Signal 100 (Japanese: シグナル100信号) is a psychological thriller manga written by Miyatsuki Arata and drawn by Kondou Shigere. The story followed a group of high school students in a death game which they are forced into play by their homeroom teacher, whom they bullied into suicide. As a highly trained psychologist, before the teacher killed himself, he hypnotized the whole class, where they are force to kill themselves if they commit certain action.
The only way to break the hypnosis - get everyone, other than yourself killed. Hence, began a game of blood and gore, backstabbing and deceit.
Overall, the story is much like other death game genre that is quite popular with Japanese manga recently. The artwork is nicely done. However, the blood and gore do get quite intense. Consequently I don't recommend reading it if you are have a weak stomach.
Overall, the story is much like other death game genre that is quite popular with Japanese manga recently. The artwork is nicely done. However, the blood and gore do get quite intense. Consequently I don't recommend reading it if you are have a weak stomach.
The whole series is only 3 volumes short. You could find the complete series in Japanese raw format legally through the following site.
Picture Source: Amazon Japan
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