Signal 100 (Japanese: シグナル100信号) is a psychological thriller manga written by Miyatsuki Arata and drawn by Kondou Shigere. The story followed a group of high school students in a death game which they are forced into play by their homeroom teacher, whom they bullied into suicide. As a highly trained psychologist, before the teacher killed himself, he hypnotized the whole class, where they are force to kill themselves if they commit certain action.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Comics Showcase: Hell Teacher Nube
Hell Teacher Nube/Aka. Jigoku Sensei Nube (Japanese: 地獄先生ぬ~べ~), created by the collaborative efforts of writer Sho Makura and artist Takeshi Okano is an occult classic and is probably successful horror shonen manga.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
Comics Showcase: Karada Sagashi
Are you into Japanese Horror flicks? If so, perhaps Karada Sasgashi カラダ探し (Re/Member) is for you. Originally a web novel by Welzard, it had since been serialized on Shonen Jump Plus by Murase Katsutoshi. It is a very typical Japanese ghost story, with a premise not much unlike most J-horrors.
Comics Showcase: Bastard
Today, I want to introduce another comics, "Bastard", written by Youngchan Hwang and illustrated by Carnby Kim. The comics packed with suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation and anxiety that pulls people into the story and holds them captives. The story revives around Jin Seon, a moody young man raised by a single father. As you can probably tell from the title, Jin doesn't quite get along with his father. The complex relationship between Jin and his father is the focus of the story.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Monsterpedia: Pishtaco
According to folklores, the Pishtaco is a vampire-like creature indigenous to the Andean region to South America. Unlike the European Vampires, however, pishtaco do not feed on blood but on fat.It is believed that pishtacos often take the form of a stranger and often in the form of a white man, preying on unsuspected natives.
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