Sunday, March 12, 2017

Listverse: Preventive Measures against the Paranormal when staying in a Hotel

From disembodied voices to ghostly apparitions, supernatural sightings in hotels are a common theme in stories about the paranormal. Obviously, not everyone would want such experiences. 
Apparently, some believe there are preventive measures one could observe to lower one's chance in encountering the paranormal during their hotel visits. Below are some of them: 
Tip 1. Avoid the Very Last Room 
In East Asian cultures, the world is split into the realm of the Yin (dark) and the Yang (light). The realm of man is made up of Yang energy, while the realm of the dead is made up of Yin energy. It was thought when human traffic is low, Yang energy is lower and also where Yin energy tends to gather, Given human traffic is often the lowest at the end of the hallway from the elevator, it is not hard to understand why many thought that ghosts gather around there. For this reason, if you want to avoid the paranormal, avoid the last room from the elevator.

Tip 2. Knock before you Enter
No one enjoys people barging into their private spaces. This is courtesy. Since spirits were once humans, it is not strange that they will think of the same way. If there is a ghost residing in the room you are staying, at least, you are being polite...Hopefully, the inhabited spirit will think of you less as a bother.

Tip 3. Turn on Everything 
Turn on as many things as you could that emits light. This is no only to let any paranormal residents know that you will be staying, but also to increase the Yang energy in the room, which is associated with light.

4. Don't Sleep facing the Mirror
The mirror is often seen as a channel to the otherworld. Consequently, if you are facing any mirrors for a prolonged period, especially when your guard is the lowest, you are inviting trouble.

Tip 5. Make a Mess
Ruffle the quilt and hit the pillows. Make sure you leave nothing unturned. Even when there are two beds and you are going to sleep in one. This is to affirm the paranormal that you will be staying. However it is recommended that you do not mess everything up too quickly. The paranormal may need time to adjust also.

Tip 6. Salt 
In many religion, Salt is a holy substance. It was thought that it will deter the paranormal. Consequently, it is always good to bring some along though it may not always work. Treat them as the bear spray for the paranormal.

Tip 7. See if the Bible is flipped Open. 
It was believed that the holy book could ward off evil. While it is not uncommon to see a bible in many hotel rooms, do be careful if you see one that was leave out flipped open. This maybe a sign that the room is haunted as exorcists have tend to set up a holy barrier using such practices. If you encounter such a situation, you may consider changing rooms for the peace of mind...On a side note, it was believed the same applied to the Talmud, the Koran and other holy books.

Tip 8. Do not answer doors at night
If you heard strange noises outside of your doors at night, do not be nosy and open your door to check. Unwelcome guests may force their ways into your room this way. Paranormal or not, it is always dangerous to open your door for the unknown. If you really have an insatiable urge to see what is going on, at least use the keyhole.

Tip 9. Do not put up clothing in the dressers.
Apparently, some say the paranormal denizens take this an invitation to try them on...

Tip 10. Do not leave your Hair or Nails.
Especially in countries where Shamanism is widely practiced, it is thought doing so possibly leave yourself extremely vulnerable to curses.

I got the list from common tips I found online. While most of them are probably popular gossips, there are no harm if doing so will give yourself some peace of mind.

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